Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Day 40- Review Writing Concisely,Verb Tense, and Presentations

Class Today:
Writing Concisely
We will continue with the PPT and handout.

Verb Tense (if time)
While we look at this powerpoint, work on this worksheet in groups.
Part I Answers
Part II Answers
Part III Answers


Next Class: Final Presentations, Peer-Review and ICES

1. I know you are probably very busy, but work on developing a revised draft for peer-review on Friday. This will help you get better feedback. Revise your draft  based on my feedback and what you have learned about writing concisely.
2. Writer's Help exercises are due by May 4th. Remember, these are worth 2.5% of your grade.
3. The second draft of your research paper is due May 2nd by midnight.
4. The final draft of your research paper is due May 11th by midnight. Late assignments will not be accepted except in extreme circumstances.

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