Thursday, February 26, 2015

Day 17-Choosing a Topic

Today You Will Learn:
  • More details of the IRP assignment.
  • What is in a good organization
  • How to find a good organization
Class Today:

Discuss Plagiarism Quiz results
If you do not pass the in-class test, you may fail this class. 

Warm-up In groups of 4-5 people, list all the organizations you are part of and then list a problem for each one.
For your research paper in this class, you will write a problem-solution paper on an organization. First, we will discuss how to choose a good organization.

Let's look at this handout that will show you how to choose a good organization.

This powerpoint will give you specific practice on how to find a good organization.

Guided Practice  
Now, practice evaluating these organizations in groups.


Next Class: Pre-research-choosing a topic

1. If you haven't done all your Writer's Help exercises, remember the first 8 are due by March 20th.

2. Prepare for the in-class plagiarism test by reviewing your answers on the practice quizzes. The in-class test will be on Wednesday, March 4th. If you do not pass this test, you may fail this class. 

3.  Fill out this Finding an Organization chart and upload to Save the file as NetIdOrgChart.doc. Please turn in the chart by Sunday at midnight. 

4. Read "America's Unfair Rules of the Road" pages 1 and 2. Be prepared to discuss the article in class on Monday. 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Day 16- Review Paraphrasing, Overview of Research Paper

Today You Will Learn How to:
  • Describe a general process of writing a research paper and analyze the order and interdependence of the steps of research process
Class Today:

Writer's Help Presentations

Review Paraphrasing (15 minutes)
Finish the paraphrase we did last class.

Discuss Research Paper (5 minutes)
In this shared google doc, free-write a definition of research paper. Free-writing means writing without stopping and without a concern for grammar.

Introduction to the rest of the semester (5 minutes)
  • Unit 2: Pre-Research Portfolio
    • Preparing and justifying your research topic.
  • Unit 3: Annotated Bibliography
    • Organizing your research resources.
  • Unit 4: RESEARCH WOOT!
    • Write your paper!!
Ordering Activity, here  (10 minutes)
With a partner, put these steps in order and then explain why each is important.

Next Class:  Choosing a topic


1. If you haven't done all your Writer's Help exercises yet, remember the first 8 are due by March 20th.

2. Do this Paraphrasing Worksheet and turn it into Box by Friday.

3. On Compass2g go to Plagiarism Prevention Tutorial> 2. Plagiarism or Not>
Do Plagiarism or Not Pre-Quiz Tutorial and Plagiarism or Not Practice Quiz 1 and 2.

4. Read the rubric for the Pre-Research Portfolio.
There WILL be a quiz. :)

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Day 15- Paraphrasing

Today You Will Learn How to
  • Understand and apply three basic rules of paraphrasing in order to avoid plagiarism.
  • Apply specific strategies to create a successful paraphrase.
Class Today:

Writer's Help presentation-Yutong
Discussion of videos:
In groups of 2 discuss the following questions about the videos you watched previously. Take a few moments to decide what you think about each question then share it with a partner.
  • What actions are considered plagiarism? Did any surprise or confuse you
  • Which do you think gets a harsher punishment – unintentional plagiarism or intentional plagiarism? 
  • What is “self-plagiarism”? Is it OK to use something you have written for another class in THIS class? How about just portions of it? 
  • What are some reasons to cite sources?
  • What are some ways you can cite sources?

Guided Practice:
In groups of three, do this paraphrasing worksheet.
Sample answers

Next Class: Review Paraphrasing, Overview of the Research Paper

1. Under the plagiarism tutorial, take the 3 quizzes for the videos you watched previously.
2. The final version of your diagnostic revision portfolio is due February 23rd by midnight.
3. The final version of your diagnostic revision essay is due February 23rd by midnight.
4. If you haven't done all your Writer's Help exercises yet, try the following ones:

Exercise: Integrating Sources in APA Papers 1
Exercise: Integrating Sources in APA Papers 2
Exercise: Integrating Sources in APA Papers 3
Exercise: Integrating Sources in APA Papers 4

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Day 14- Review Day, Avoiding Plagiarism Tutorial

Class Today:

Response to IEF

Writer's Help Presentations (10 minutes)
  • Changyoon and Maggie will present
Review Commas (15 minutes)
Plagiarism Tutorial (15 minutes)

Next Class: Paraphrasing

1. Under the Plagiarism Prevention Tutorial, watch the following videos:
Introduction to Plagiarism, Why Cite?, and What to Cite
2. The final draft of your diagnostic revision is due February 23rd by midnight.
3. The diagnostic revision portfolio is also due February 23rd by midnight.
4. Keep working on Writer's Help exercises. The first 8 are due by March 20th.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Day 13: Peer Perception and Peer-review

Today You Will Learn How:
  • Explain the difference between editing (i.e. finding mistakes and offering corrections) and peer perception 
  • Select appropriate words to avoid offense when offering opinions, suggestions, and clarifications to peers 
  • Provide feedback on their peer’s writing related to how they perceive the main ideas and structure of the paper. 
  • Negotiate meaning of peer comments and possible revisions/adjustments through discussion
Class Today:
Writer's Help Presentation- Ruby will present on the structure of essays.

Commas-Open up the shared google document and finish up the comma activity. Then let's take the comma quiz.
Powerpoint- Let's view this powerpoint together. Focus on the distinction between editing and reviewing. 

I will put you in groups to do a peer-review. Since there are 9 students in this class, one group will be 3 students. 

Next Class: Avoiding Plagiarism Part I.

1. The diagnostic revision portfolio is due February 23rd by midnight.
2. The final draft draft of your diagnostic revision is due February 23rd by midnight. Late assignments will be accepted, but I will drop 25% everyday, including weekends. A day is a day.
3. If you haven't finished, remember the first 8 (including the one we did in class) Writer's Help exercises are due March 20th.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Day 12: Advanced Punctuation- The Comma

Today You Will Learn How To:
  • Describe the most common use of commas (before coordinating conjunctions, to set off introductory clauses, to set off non-essential information clauses in the middle of a sentence, and to list items in a series) 
  • Correctly eliminate and place commas within sentences featuring the aforementioned criteria. 
  • Locate resources on the internet that will help clarify additional punctuation of semicolon, colon, and dash 
  • Self-evaluate the use of commas in their writing and propose revisions based on new knowledge from lesson
Class Today:
Review: Review conclusion paragraph
Presentation- Shiyuan
Why are these funny? What would make them more appropriate?

Group Activity:
Look at the worksheet I give you and using the information create an information sheet for your classmates.

Group 1- Commas with coordinating conjunctions
Group 2- Commas with introductory elements
Group 3- Commas with elements in series
Group 4- Commas with non restrictive clauses

When you are finished, share your part in this shared google doc.

This is not for a grade. In the same groups, work on this comma quiz. We will discuss the answers shortly.

1. Begin working on your diagnostic revision analysis portfolio. It is due by February 23rd by midnight.
2. The second draft of your diagnostic revision is due February 18th before class.  If you turn it in before 1:00 PM, I will print it out for you. We will use this draft for peer-review. Please read my feedback on your first draft before turning in the second draft. If no draft is brought to class tomorrow, your class participate grade will be deducted.

3. Keep working on Writer's Help exercises. The first 8 are due by March 20th. 
Here are some exercises to try (Be sure pop-ups are on):

1. Major uses of comma 1
2. Major uses of comma 2
3. All uses of the comma
4. The semicolon and the comma 1
5. The semicolon and the comma 2
6. The colon, the semicolon, and the comma

Next Class: Peer-Perception

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Day 11: Academic Style

Today You Will Learn How To: 
  • Explain critical differences in style between informal English and English for academic purposes 
  • Increase their level of writing formality
  • Self-evaluate presence/absence of appropriate academic tone in their writing and propose revisions based on new knowledge from lesson
Class Today:
Warm-up: First, let's watch this youtube video While watching, think about how he talks. Is it different from normal speech? How?
Next, with your row, discuss the following questions:
  • How does Data (the robot) talk? How is it different from regular speech? Can you tell he is a robot by the way he talks?
  • How is talking different than writing? 
Powerpoint Activity:
Get out of your seats and go to the back of the room. I will show you this powerpoint and we will discuss rules for academic style!

Use this handout on Academic Style to help you revise your diagnostic for the second draft.

Early Informal Feedback
Please fill out this anonymous google form to give me feedback on my teaching. I want to help you! I will leave the room while you answer the questions. Once you finish you may leave.

Class Materials:
Academic Style Handout

Next Class: Advanced Punctuation: The Comma

1. Rewrite your draft to have formal style. Use the academic style handout to help you.
2. Begin working on your Diagnostic Revision Portfolio. Remember this is due
3. Keep working on Writer's Help exercise, the first group is due March 20th.
4. The second draft of your Diagnostic Revision is February 18th by Midnight. We will do a peer-review soon.

If you haven't done Writer's Help yet, here are some exercises to try (Be sure pop-ups are on):
1. Recognizing Wordiness 1
2. Recognizing Wordiness 2
3. Revising for Conciseness 1
4. Revising for Conciseness 2

Monday, February 9, 2015

Day 10- Introductions and Conclusions

Today You Will Learn:
  • How to describe and identify the basic components of introductions (opener, background info and thesis) and conclusions (review of thesis and broader connections) 
  • How to create a logical flow of information from broad to specific in an introduction and from specific to broad in a conclusion while integrating the aforementioned components 
  • How to choose appropriate introductory and concluding techniques. 
Class Today:
  • Let's watch this video and discuss in google docs how this video could be an effective introduction.
  • Introductions powerpoint
  • Introductions Activity: Answers
    • Groups: 1- Maggie, Ruby, Shiyuan  2-Yutong, Changyoon, Yantong  3-Hao, Yichun, Kevin
  • Conclusions powerpoint
  • If time, start developing conclusion paragraph in class. 
Next Class: Review Introductions and Conclusions, Academic Style

1. Modify the introduction and conclusion in your diagnostic based on what you learned today.
Please turn in this assignment by Friday at Midnight. Name the document NetIDIntroConclusion.doc.
If your name is not in the top of the document you will not receive credit!

2. Work on Writer's Help exercises, the assignment is due by March 20th.

3. The first draft of your essay (thesis statement and body paragraphs) is due by midnight today. Late assignments will receive zero credit.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Day 9- PIE Structure

Today You Will Learn:
  • how to identify four essential parts to every body paragraph (P-I-E-C) 
  • how to examine sample paragraphs to identify any missing parts 
  • how to assess your own essays for their use of P-I-E structure and identify/revise weaknesses 

Class Today:
  • Announcement: We struggled with coherence so I will give you a nifty handout to use as a reference. Here is the online link.
  • Please put your name at the top of all documents. I will show you.
  • Warm-up: In google docs share what you do when you struggle to write enough ideas in your paragraphs. 
  • I will give you a handout. While you work on the handout, I will show you this powerpoint presentation. The answers are here
  • With the rest of class time, please modify your body paragraphs to include PIE structure. I will walk around helping you. 

Next Class: Review PIE, Introductions & Conclusions

1. Modify body paragraphs to include PIE structure. I should be able to see this in your first draft that you will turn in on the 11th.

2. Begin work on Writer's Help exercises. You need to turn in the checkpoint sheet by March 20th, but you may turn it in earlier!

3. Read the formatting guidelines on the course website here. Please integrate them into your second draft.

4. Read the rubric for the Writer's Help presentations, here.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Day 8: Coherence-Transitions and Other Cohesive Devices

Class Today:
  • Announcement: You may turn in late reflection essay. However, other mini assignments will not be accepted late. For instance, if you did not get feedback about your thesis statement rewrite, I assume you did not turn it in.
  • So there is no confusion, each assignment is due by midnight of the next class. 
  • Transitions: Function & Grammar
  • Coherence 2 Powerpoint
  • More Cohesive Devices
  • Share one of your body paragraphs in our shared google doc. Everyone should have their writing in a Box drive.
Next Class: PIE Structure

Class Materials:

1. Based on what we did in class today, finish rewriting the body paragraphs for better coherence. If you only wrote two body paragraphs, please write a total of three for this assignment. Save the document as NetIDCoherence.doc or .rtf in our shared box folder. Turn in on February 7th, Saturday by midnight

2. Begin work on Writer's Help exercises. You need to turn in the checkpoint sheet by March 20th, but you may turn it in earlier!

3. The first draft of your diagnostic revision is due Monday, February 11th by midnight. This draft only needs your thesis statement and three body paragraphs.

4. Some of you never submitted your reflection short essays. You may turn it into Compass with a reduction for being late.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Day 7- Coherence: Introduction & Transitions

Class Today:

Next Class: Continue Coherence

Class Materials:
1.  Based on what we did in class today, begin rewriting the body paragraphs for better coherence. If you only wrote two body paragraphs, please write a total of three for this assignment.
Save the document as NetIDCoherence.doc or .rtf in our shared box folder.  

2.  Begin work on Writer's Help exercises. You need to turn in the checkpoint sheet by March 20th, but you may turn it in earlier!

3.  The first draft of your diagnostic revision is due Monday, February 9th by midnight. This draft only needs your thesis statement and three body paragraphs. Please turn in the assignment to Compass 2g and save the document as 115_Diagnostic_Revision_NetID_1.doc