Saturday, March 28, 2015

Day 27: Reference Page Citations

Today You Will Learn How to:
  • Describe the relationship between reference page citations and in-text citations 
  • Use the APA Student Handbook and other online resources to locate APA citation rules 
  • Write and edit APA reference page citations for different kinds of sources (e.g. books, journals, websites, multiple authors) 
Class Today:
What styles of citation are there? Why do we cite? What have you already learned about citation?

I will give each group of 3 people a reference list. What patterns do you see in the reference list? What information is always there? How is each part of the information mentioned?

Elict Patterns 
What did you notice? Let's look at the page together, here. Now you can use this handbook to help you.

Follow along with this short powerpoint

Create Your Own Sources 
Come up with your own sources using this handout. Have fun with it! Then use the handbook to create a reference list.

Seems like a lot of work right? Some websites listed under helpful links can be helpful.

Next Class: Introduction to the Annotated Bibliography

1. Find one source for your research paper and write a short paragraph justifying why you chose it. Upload it to our shared Box folder. Please name the file NetIDOneSource.doc. We will use this in class on Wednesday.
2. Begin working on the last 8 exercises for Writer's Help. I will give you the handout today. These exercises are due by May 4th in class.
3. Review the APA Citation Handbook.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Day 26- Source Relevancy

Today You Will Learn How To:
  • Apply skimming and scanning strategies to identify key sections of sources that are more relevant to their papers 
  • Rate the degree of relevancy of sources based on their applicability to a particular research topic and focus 
  • Concisely explain the relevancy of their sources to specific sections of their papers in a few sentences 
Class Today:

How to finish the last part of the Pre-Research Portfolio
I will discuss before due date.

Source Relevancy
How do you think you would use relevancy to find academic sources? Let's discuss briefly.

Skimming and Scanning Powerpoint
Powerpoint link here.

Guided Practice
In groups of 3, we will work on this handout

Next Class: Reference Page Citations

1. The final draft of your Pre-Research Portfolio is due March 30th by Midnight. Please save the file as 115_Annotated_Bibliography_netid_FINAL and upload to Compass2g. 
2. Preview the template for the Annotated Bibliography. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Day 25: Source Reliability

Today You Will Learn How to:
  • Locate information about a source that helps determine its credibility and reliability (e.g. publisher, date, author, kind of journal) 
  • Categorize sources along a spectrum of credibility (not credible, credible/not academic, scholarly/academic/peer-reviewed) 
  • Concisely explain source reliability in a few written sentences 

Class Today
Introduce Unit 3- Quiz :D

Look at these three websites, what do you think of the reliability of each? Would you use the website for your own research? Discuss with your row.

Follow along as we discuss this powerpoint.

Group Practice
Use the reliability checklist, here, to evaluate these websites:

Next Class: Source Relevancy

1. A completed version of the Pre-Research portfolio is due Monday 3/30 by midnight. Remember this is worth 15% of your grade. Submit it to Compass2g.
2. You should finish the Writer's Help exercises by Friday. Bring the handout I gave you earlier to class.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Day 24: Thesis Statements and Outlining

Today You Will Learn How to:
  • Conceptualize an outline of the difference components of the IRP Paper: introduction, solutions, critique, improvement, and conclusion
Class Today:
Review Thesis Statements
Get in the groups you were in last Friday. Finish up the thesis statement task.

Card Activity
I will put you in two large groups. In each group, put these stack of cards in order. When I tell you the order is correct, give definitions of each card.

Individual Practice
Begin working on your own outline in the template.

Next Class: Introduce new unit and source reliability

1. Finish your Writer's Help exercises by March 20th. Remember, these are worth 2.5% of your grade.
2. Do a draft of your outline in the Pre-Research portfolio template. Upload it to your Box folder and save it as NetIDOutline.doc. Please turn this in by Thursday at Midnight!
3. A completed version of the Pre-Research portfolio is due Monday 3/30 by midnight. Remember this is worth 15% of your grade. Submit it to Compass2g.
4. Read the rubric and assignment summary for our next unit, Annotated Bibliography.
There may be a quiz :)

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Day 23: Critical Thinking and Thesis Statements

Class Today:
Please take the following survey on the plagiarism tutorial.

Review Critical Thinking
Look at the website- The Water Project
What's the problem?
Brainstorm two solutions with the people in your row.

Thesis Statements Warm-Up (5 minutes)
Find your thesis statement from your diagnostic revision. Critique your thesis statement. What do you like about it? What could use improvement? Why? Share your response in our shared google doc.

Practice (5-10 minutes)
On a scratch (blank) piece of paper, think of a potential thesis statement for the organization and problem found in The Water Project. You have 5 minutes.

Compare (5 minutes)
Now compare your thesis statement with these sample thesis statements. What is different? What is similar?

Research Thesis Statements
As you can see, research paper thesis statements are a little different than argumentative essay thesis statements. Now you will practice writing a thesis statement on The Water Project.
In the following groups:
Group 1-Changyoon, Maggie, Kevin
Group 2-Yutong, Hao, Shiyuan
Group 3- Yichun, Ruby, Yantong

First do part 1 of the handout I will give you.  I will give you feedback on your answers. Once I give you the OK, work on part 2.  Finally, share your thesis statement in our shared google doc, here.

Next Class: Thesis Statements & Outline

1. Finish your Writer's Help exercises by March 20th. Remember, these are worth 2.5% of your grade.
2. Do steps 5 and 6 of the Pre-Research Portfolio by Sunday at midnight. Save the document as NetIDPreResearch56.doc
3. Preview the outline on the Pre-Research Portfolio template.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Day 22- Pre-Research: Critical Thinking

Today You Will Learn How to:
  • Know the difference between summarizing, analyzing, critiquing, evaluating, and synthesizing
  • Generate preliminary analysis points of an organization’s solutions from the perspective of logic, insight, evidence, and critique 

Class Today:
Finish group charts from previous lesson
The link is here.

Powerpoint here

Now that we have talked about different ways to write, we will look at how to analyze an organization.

Group Analysis
In the same groups as the warm up, use this document to fill out this chart.  Use The Water Project as your demo organization.


Next Class: Review Critical Thinking, Thesis Statement

1. The first 8 Writer's Help exercises are due by March 20th.
2. Look at my responses to step 3 and modify them. Then do step 4. Note that the template has been changed again. Name the file NetIDPreResearch4.doc and upload it to Box by Friday.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Day 21- Library Day

Class Today: Library!
We are not meeting at FLB on Monday. We will meet at the Undergraduate Library in room 291.
Please bring your mind maps.

Next Class: Critical Thinking in Pre-Research


1. The rest of your Writer's Help exercises are due by March 20th.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Day 20-Gathering Background Information

Today You Will Learn
  • How to brainstorm for background information on a topic and organization using CQ researcher and other online resources.
Class Today:

1. Grammar Workshops
If you go to one of the grammar workshops and write a short reflection paper, you will get 1% extra credit.

2. Change in assignment. The template has been revised.

3. Hannah Kim's research study

Writer's Help Presentation
Yichun will present.

Warm Up:
In groups of 4-5 people, brainstorm on the blackboard sources you might use to find information about the following topic:
Providing clean drinking water

This is a good start! In order to make sure you have a good topic and organize, we will practice finding background information on a topic.

Concept Map
Fill out this concept map for the topic, providing clean drinking water. Use this website to help you.

Let's watch this video about CQ Researcher.

Now we will practice getting background information.

Group Practice I:
Using CQ Researcher, find an article on the topic- Providing clean drinking water

Group A: Hao, Yantong, Changyoon
Group B: Yutong, Shiyuan, Ruby
Group C: Maggie, Kevin Yichun

Group Practice II:
Same groups
In your respective groups and using the article you chose, fill out this chart. This is the information you would need when brainstorming for information about your topic.

Next Class: Library Day
We will not meet in the Foreign Language Building on Monday. We will meet in the Undergraduate Library Room 291. 

1. Writer's Help Exercises are due by March 20th.
2. Read my feedback on your Pre-Research portfolio in Box. After reading, modify steps 1 and 2 and then do step 3. Upload a new document called NetIdPreResearchPortfolio3.doc onto Box. This document should have BOTH modified steps 1 and 2 and step 3. This is due Monday by midnight.
3. Do a second concept map with your research topic and bring it to the library on Monday.

4. Finish the group practice chart for our class on Wednesday.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Day 19-In Class Plagiarism Test

Class Today: Plagiarism In-Class Test

1. Grammar Workshops
If you go to one of the grammar workshops and write a short reflection paper, you will get 1% extra credit.

2. Chinese. When we were observed on Monday, my colleague noticed many students speaking in Chinese. Please speak in English.

Please go to Compass2g and find the plagiarism test. You may NOT use other sources.
After you finish the test, we will finish up the activity from last class.

Next Class: Gathering Research Information

1. Finish 8 Writer's Help exercises by March 20th.
2. Do steps 1 and 2 in the Pre-Research Portfolio template and upload them to your Box account. Save the document as NetIdResearchPortfolio12.doc. This is due by Today at midnight.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Day 18- Choosing a topic continued

Today You Will Learn:
  • How to develop an appropriate topic for your research paper.
Class Today:

Writers Help Presentations (5 minutes)
Yantong will present

Common Writing Mistakes from Final Draft
Article use
Passive voice
Run on sentences, comma splices
Unnecessary adjectives or adverbs

Chart workshop (5 minutes)
From the last lesson, open up the chart from your individual box folders. Let's finish the chart together.

Warm Up (10 minutes)
Discuss Article. The article can be found here.
In our shared google doc, write about the following questions:
1.) What are some of the organizations mentioned in the article?
2.) Broadly, what is the overall problem discussed in the article? Did this surprise you? Why or why not?

In your row, briefly discuss how a topic and organization could be related.

Choosing a Topic Powerpoint (10 minutes)
Let's look at this powerpoint together.

Group Practice (20 minutes)
In new groups, pick a topic for an organization and justify it together using this handout

Class Discussion (5 minutes)

Next Class: In-class plagiarism test


1.  Do steps 1 and 2 in the Pre-Research Portfolio template and upload them to your Box account. Save the document as NetIdResearchPortfolio12.doc. This is due by Wednesday at Midnight. 

2. Prepare for the in-class plagiarism test on Wednesday. If you do not pass this test, you may fail this class. 

3. Finish 8 Writer's Help exercises by March 20th.