Sunday, May 3, 2015

Day 42 & 43

There are no classes on Monday or Wednesday. Instead, you will meet me in my office, FLB 4106, for a conference. Don't forget to bring your pre-conference form. Attending conference is equivalent to do two regular classes.

Monday, May 4th

2:00-2:10- Shiyuan
2:10-2:20- Yichun
2:20-2:30- Maggie

Wednesday, May 6th

1:50-2:00-  Hao
2:00-2:10- Ruby
2:10-2:20- Yantong
2:20-2:30- Yutong
2:30-2:40- Kevin
2:40-2:50- Changyoon

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Day 41- Presentations, Peer-Review and ICES

Class Today:

Using this peer-review form to help you, please peer-review your assignment with a classmate.



I must leave the room, so I will need a volunteer to put the ICES forms in a blue mailbox in main hall of FLB. I have really enjoyed teaching all of you :)

Next Class:
No classes, please come prepared for your conference next week. My office is FLB 4106 on the fourth floor of this building.  Missing your conference is equivalent to missing two classes. 

1. Fill out and print or e-mail me this pre-conference document before meeting me. This link will tell you when you are meeting me for conference.
2. Writer's Help exercises are due by May 4th. Remember, these are worth 2.5% of your grade.
3. The second draft of your research paper is due May 2nd by midnight.
4. The final draft of your research paper is due May 11th by midnight. Late assignments will not be accepted except in extreme circumstances.

Day 40- Review Writing Concisely,Verb Tense, and Presentations

Class Today:
Writing Concisely
We will continue with the PPT and handout.

Verb Tense (if time)
While we look at this powerpoint, work on this worksheet in groups.
Part I Answers
Part II Answers
Part III Answers


Next Class: Final Presentations, Peer-Review and ICES

1. I know you are probably very busy, but work on developing a revised draft for peer-review on Friday. This will help you get better feedback. Revise your draft  based on my feedback and what you have learned about writing concisely.
2. Writer's Help exercises are due by May 4th. Remember, these are worth 2.5% of your grade.
3. The second draft of your research paper is due May 2nd by midnight.
4. The final draft of your research paper is due May 11th by midnight. Late assignments will not be accepted except in extreme circumstances.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Day 39-Writing Concisely and Presentations

Today you will learn how to:
  • Integrate directness, clarity, and concision into your writing.
  • Present your research topic.
Class Today:
Student writing sample on the course website.
Better outline on course website.
Global feedback on first drafts-
1. Pay attention to format.
2. Think carefully about verb tense.
3. Countable/noun countable nouns.
4. Proofread carefully

Writing Concisely
Worksheet to do during powerpoint


1. Revise your body paragraphs to be more direct, clear, and concise. I should see these changes in your second draft when we meet for conferences.
2. The second draft of your essay is due May 2nd by midnight. Please turn in the essay to Compass2g. 
3. Don't forget your Writer's Help exercises.
4. 4. The final draft of your research paper is due May 11th by midnight. Late assignments will not be accepted except in extreme circumstances.
5. If you did not present your topic today, be prepared to present it on Wednesday or Friday.

Next Class:  Review Conciseness, Verb tense, continue presentations

Friday, April 24, 2015

Day 38- Formatting a Paper, Synthesis Cont.

Today You Will Learn How to:

  • Write your paper in APA format.
  • Create an effective and appropriate title for your essay
  • Give feedback on an essay

Class Today:
Formatting a Paper
With your row, fill out some sections of this shared google doc. Use the APA guidelines from

Open up your paragraph drafts. Have a neighbor peer-review your writing with this handout.

Next Class: Writing Concisely and Presentations

1. Prepare to present on your research topic for class on Monday. If time, everyone will present.
2. Adapt your paper to have a proper APA format using this sample research paper and to have a title. This should be in your final version and if you haven't turned in your first draft, please add this.
3. Keep working on you Writer's Help exercises.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Day 37- Introductions and Conclusions

Class Today:
Last Class Activity
Open up your Box folder and continue working on your synthesis from last class.

Warm-up activity
I will give you parts of an introduction cut up into pieces of paper. With your group members, put them in the proper order.

Now, with your group members, download and use this chart to analyze the created paragraph.

Conclusions (If time)
Powerpoint for quick review.
Practice rewriting this thesis.

Next Class:  Research Paper Formatting and Continued Synthesis

1. Keep working on your Writer's Help exercises. These are due May 4th. I suggest completing them early.

2. Body Paragraphs of your final essay are due April 24nd by Midnight. Upload to Compass2g.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Day 36- Avoiding Plagiarism and Review Synthesis

Updated Outline on Course Website

Class Today:
Paraphrasing Activity
Open up your paraphrasing activity. Continue working on the paraphrasing activity with your graph. When you are finished, share the paraphrase in google doc.

Add In-Text Citation
Using what you remember about in-text citation, add the proper documentation. You may use Purdue OWL to help.

Review Synthesis
Individually, read these articles and use this matrix and try to develop a paragraph.

Peer-Review of Synthesis
If time, have a classmate peer-review with this checklist your synthesis.

Next Class: Introductions & Conclusions

1. Keep working on your Writer's Help exercises. These are due May 4th. I suggest completing them early.

2. Body Paragraphs of your final essay are due April 22nd by Midnight. Upload to Compass2g.

3. If you haven't chosen already, Pick a time to present about your topic. You may prepare a speech, but you do NOT need a powerpoint. This is just a chance for your to do a formal presentation and practice your speaking. Pick your time here.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Day 35- Avoiding Plagiarism: Quoting & Review of Paraphrasing

Class Today:
What are the ways we avoid plagiarism in our writing?
Which technique should be used most often?

Cloze Activity
I will put you into groups and then you will fill out the answers on this cloze activity. You may use any internet resource to find the answers.

Let's look on this powerpoint to review quoting and paraphrasing.

Guided Practice
Do this worksheet with the people in your row.  Then share your paraphrase in our shared google doc.

Mini workshop
Open up your Solution 1 and continue working on it for the rest of the class. I will walk around and help you. Use this handout with reporting verbs and signal phrases to help you.

Next Class: Paraphrasing Part II

1. Pick a time you want to meet for me for conference in my office. Note that the meeting will take at least 10 minutes and is like attending a class session. Please use this spreadsheet.

2. Pick a time to present about your topic. You may prepare a speech, but you do NOT need a powerpoint. This is just a chance for your to do a formal presentation and practice your speaking. Pick your time here.

3. Keep working on your Writer's Help exercises. These are due May 4th. I suggest completing them early.

4. Begin working on writing Solution #1. A draft of Solution #1 will be due Sunday, April 19th by Midnight. Name the file Solution1NetId.doc and upload to box.

5. Body Paragraphs of your final essay are due April 22nd by Midnight. Upload to Compass2g.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Day 34- Synthesis Continued: Integrating PIE into Synthesis

Class Today:
Introduce the Final Unit: Individual Research Paper

What does PIE stand for?

What part is missing in this paragraph:

Papers are evil, evil assignments that should be eliminated from course requirements. Many students have difficulty balancing their schoolwork when they are overloaded with papers (Researcher, 2011). Because this can cause them to fall behind in some courses, it interferes with their learning. In addition, papers can negatively affect one’s health. Menendez (2013), a grad student, complained, “I feel so run down...I’ve been staying up late, working on papers, for two weeks straight” (p. 35). _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. It is difficult to deny that papers do little to add to student learning, and may even do damage!

Now, individually, create a sentence for the paragraph.

Highlighting Activity
Take this document and highlight the respective parts.


Workshop (if time)
Open up your annotated bibliography from Compass2g. Let's discuss as a class how to use your sources to write Solution #1.

Next Class: Review Synthesis, Review Paraphrasing

1. Keep working on your Writer's Help exercises. These are due May 4th. I suggest completing them early.
2. Begin working on writing Solution #1. A draft of Solution #1 will be due Sunday, April 19th by Midnight. Name the file Solution1NetId.doc and upload to box.
3. Body Paragraphs of your final essay are due April 22nd by Midnight. Upload to Compass2g.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Day 33- Introduction to Unit 4 and Synthesis Writing

Today You Will Learn How To:
  • Extract main ideas and examine the sources for overlapping ideas
  • Understand that ideas should be based on sources, not the essay writer’s personal opinions, feelings, or thoughts
  • Understand what an effective synthesis is
  • Learn what methods of synthesis they can apply in their writing
  • Synthesize sources adequately
Class Today:
Class Discussion
Can you recognize this three folk tales? They are from western culture, so you may not know already.
Read these passages to understand these folk tales.

We will discuss this powerpoint throughout the lesson.

Fill out this matrix, after reading the passages.

Finish the paragraph

Finish the paragraph.


Next Class: Continue Synthesis

1. The final version of your annotated bibliography is due April 13th by midnight. Keep in mind this is worth 15% of your grade.

2. Keep working on your Writer's Help exercises. These are due May 4th. I suggest completing them early.

3. Using the same questions we used for discussion in class, write a reflection on avoiding plagiarism. This reflection should be AT LEAST 300 words and will be graded for grammar and word choice. Keep in mind this reflection is worth 2.5% of your grade. The reflection is due April 12th by midnight. Upload the document to compass2g Unit 3. and save it as Reflection2NetID.doc.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Day 32-Summarizing and Refining a Topic

Today You Will Learn How To:
  • Review the functions of the library database search engines and the strategies for using them.
  • Discuss and use efficient strategies to go through the process of source selection. 
  • Analyze sources based on criteria, such as relevancy, purpose, readability, and synthesis, and be able to decide the most appropriate sources for a research paper.
Class Today:

I will give your row a topic on a small sheet of paper. Using the topic I gave you, make a mind map.

EBSCO Database
Now, practice searching for information on the topic.
What's important when using search terms?
Remember to make your search terms- precise, grammatical, and purposeful.

Finding Good Sources
What techniques do you use to find sources related to a topic?

Some ideas:
  • scanning titles and subject terms for keywords
  • skimming abstracts for relevant recommendations
  • scanning literature reviews and reference lists for other sources that may be of interest
  • skimming conclusions and research limitations for relevant ideas
  • using Ctrl + F in a source’s text to look for keywords and their frequency
Individual Practice
Use this chart to help you in find other sources for your paper. I will come around and help you.

Next Class: Introduce Unit 4: Writing the Research Paper


1. The final version of your annotated bibliography is due April 13th by midnight. Keep in mind this is worth 15% of your grade.

2. Keep working on your Writer's Help exercises. These are due May 4th. I suggest completing them early.

3. Using the same questions we used for discussion in class, write a reflection on avoiding plagiarism. This reflection should be AT LEAST 300 words and will be graded for grammar and word choice. Keep in mind this reflection is worth 2.5% of your grade. The reflection is due April 12th by midnight. Upload the document to compass2g Unit 3. and save it as Reflection2NetID.doc.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Day 31-Review Summarizing Sources

Class Today:
Common Mistakes in Annotated Bibliography
-Structure mistakes
-APA citation mistakes
-Not enough detail
-Just paraphrasing the abstract

Review Summary
Let's discuss how to write a summary and look at this handout

Using the handout to help you, let's work on revising your annotated bibliography. 

Next Class: Summary Language and Refining a Topic

1. The final version of your annotated bibliography is due April 13th by midnight. Keep in mind this is worth 15% of your grade.

2. Keep working on your Writer's Help exercises. These are due May 4th. I suggest completing them early.

3. Using the same questions we used for discussion in class, write a reflection on avoiding plagiarism. This reflection should be AT LEAST 300 words and will be graded for grammar and word choice. Keep in mind this reflection is worth 2.5% of your grade. The reflection is due April 12th by midnight. Upload the document to compass2g Unit 3. and save it as Reflection2NetID.doc.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Day 30- Reflection Writing

Class Today:

Look at the picture above. In a blank Microsoft Word document, free-write about your thoughts on the picture. How does the picture relate to reflection? What was he thinking when he made this paining? We will discuss your thoughts in about 5 minutes

Group Discussion:
With the other people in your row, think of the types of writing you have done. Then work on this chart with your row.


Which type of writing has been the most difficult? What type has been the easiest?

Example Reflection
Now read this sample reflection. Which part of the reflection is longest? Why?

Pair Discussion
Find a person you have never worked with before. Then discuss what you have learned about plagiarism using these questions.

Language of Reflection
Here's a list of useful language to help with writing your reflection.

Next Class: Choosing sources and refining a topic.

1. The final version of your annotated bibliography is due April 13th by midnight. Keep in mind this is worth 15% of your grade.

2. Keep working on your Writer's Help Exercises. These are due May 4th. I suggest completing them early.

3. Using the same questions we used for discussion in class, write a reflection on avoiding plagiarism. This reflection should be AT LEAST 300 words and will be graded for grammar and word choice. Keep in mind this reflection is worth 2.5% of your grade. The reflection is due April 12th by midnight. Upload the document to compass2g Unit 3. and save it as Reflection2NetID.doc.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Day 29- Summarizing Sources

Today You Will Learn How to:
  • Identify the sections of an academic paper
  • Identify what kind of information should be included in a well-developed summary
  • Write a 5-sentence summary of a research paper for the annotated bibliographies.
Class Today:
What was easy, what was difficult about writing the part of annotated bibliography? Did you need to summarize for this assignment? Was it challenging? Discuss with your row.

Check your Summary
Open up the annotated bibliography for one source that you wrote. Then, switch seats with someone in your row. Look at a handout I will give you. What information did you include? What information did you forget?

Now that you know your summary was somewhat lacking, let's talk about how to write one. Follow along with this powerpoint.

Individual Practice
Using this handout to help you, revise your summary to be meet the standards we discussed in the powerpoint. I will walk around and give feedback.

Class Materials

Next Class:  Reflection Writing

1. Revise the first source you worked on for class today based on what you learned today. Name the file SourceOne2NetID.doc and save it to Box. I will grade this :)

2. Keep working on your Writer's Help Exercises. These are due May 4th. I suggest completing them early.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Day 28: Introduction to the Annotated Bibliography

Today You Will Learn How to:
  • Explain the function and importance of an annotated bibliography within the research process 
  • List 4 common elements of an annotated bibliography: APA citation, summary, explanation of relevancy and reliability 
  • Generate strategies for writing each of the 4 sections (where to find information, the scope of content to include, length, which parts to write first, exactness that is required, balance between general and specific for summaries and relevancy sections) 
Class Today:
Part II of Writer's Help
I will give you Writer's Help Part II handout. Remember to turn it into me by May 4th.

I will give you some questions. As a group, decide on an answer and then I will give you feedback.
Write answers on the board.
Group 1: Hao, Shiyuan, Changyoon, Yantong
Group 2: Yichun, Yutong, Maggie, Kevin, Ruby

Take out the source you chose. Now look at the end of the document and count how many sources are in the end bibliography.

Now think about this question:
If you were expected to have so many sources, how would you keep track of all the information? How do you know which sources out of hundreds you would want to use?

I will hand you a sample annotated bibliography and an analysis chart. In pairs, analyze the chart. Then switch people and compare your analysis.

How the Annotated Bibliography Will Work...
Let's discuss the major assignment for this unit.

Class Materials:
Annotated Bibliography Sample 1
Annotated Bibliography Sample 2
Annotated Bibliography Analysis (Answers)

Next Class:  Summarizing Sources


1.  Begin working on the last 8 exercises for Writer's Help. I will give you the handout today. These exercises are due by May 4th in class.

2.  Using the source you chose on Monday, add the source to the Annotated Bibliography Template. We will talk about your responses on Friday in class.

3. The final version of your Annotated Bibliography will be due April 14th by midnight.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Day 27: Reference Page Citations

Today You Will Learn How to:
  • Describe the relationship between reference page citations and in-text citations 
  • Use the APA Student Handbook and other online resources to locate APA citation rules 
  • Write and edit APA reference page citations for different kinds of sources (e.g. books, journals, websites, multiple authors) 
Class Today:
What styles of citation are there? Why do we cite? What have you already learned about citation?

I will give each group of 3 people a reference list. What patterns do you see in the reference list? What information is always there? How is each part of the information mentioned?

Elict Patterns 
What did you notice? Let's look at the page together, here. Now you can use this handbook to help you.

Follow along with this short powerpoint

Create Your Own Sources 
Come up with your own sources using this handout. Have fun with it! Then use the handbook to create a reference list.

Seems like a lot of work right? Some websites listed under helpful links can be helpful.

Next Class: Introduction to the Annotated Bibliography

1. Find one source for your research paper and write a short paragraph justifying why you chose it. Upload it to our shared Box folder. Please name the file NetIDOneSource.doc. We will use this in class on Wednesday.
2. Begin working on the last 8 exercises for Writer's Help. I will give you the handout today. These exercises are due by May 4th in class.
3. Review the APA Citation Handbook.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Day 26- Source Relevancy

Today You Will Learn How To:
  • Apply skimming and scanning strategies to identify key sections of sources that are more relevant to their papers 
  • Rate the degree of relevancy of sources based on their applicability to a particular research topic and focus 
  • Concisely explain the relevancy of their sources to specific sections of their papers in a few sentences 
Class Today:

How to finish the last part of the Pre-Research Portfolio
I will discuss before due date.

Source Relevancy
How do you think you would use relevancy to find academic sources? Let's discuss briefly.

Skimming and Scanning Powerpoint
Powerpoint link here.

Guided Practice
In groups of 3, we will work on this handout

Next Class: Reference Page Citations

1. The final draft of your Pre-Research Portfolio is due March 30th by Midnight. Please save the file as 115_Annotated_Bibliography_netid_FINAL and upload to Compass2g. 
2. Preview the template for the Annotated Bibliography. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Day 25: Source Reliability

Today You Will Learn How to:
  • Locate information about a source that helps determine its credibility and reliability (e.g. publisher, date, author, kind of journal) 
  • Categorize sources along a spectrum of credibility (not credible, credible/not academic, scholarly/academic/peer-reviewed) 
  • Concisely explain source reliability in a few written sentences 

Class Today
Introduce Unit 3- Quiz :D

Look at these three websites, what do you think of the reliability of each? Would you use the website for your own research? Discuss with your row.

Follow along as we discuss this powerpoint.

Group Practice
Use the reliability checklist, here, to evaluate these websites:

Next Class: Source Relevancy

1. A completed version of the Pre-Research portfolio is due Monday 3/30 by midnight. Remember this is worth 15% of your grade. Submit it to Compass2g.
2. You should finish the Writer's Help exercises by Friday. Bring the handout I gave you earlier to class.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Day 24: Thesis Statements and Outlining

Today You Will Learn How to:
  • Conceptualize an outline of the difference components of the IRP Paper: introduction, solutions, critique, improvement, and conclusion
Class Today:
Review Thesis Statements
Get in the groups you were in last Friday. Finish up the thesis statement task.

Card Activity
I will put you in two large groups. In each group, put these stack of cards in order. When I tell you the order is correct, give definitions of each card.

Individual Practice
Begin working on your own outline in the template.

Next Class: Introduce new unit and source reliability

1. Finish your Writer's Help exercises by March 20th. Remember, these are worth 2.5% of your grade.
2. Do a draft of your outline in the Pre-Research portfolio template. Upload it to your Box folder and save it as NetIDOutline.doc. Please turn this in by Thursday at Midnight!
3. A completed version of the Pre-Research portfolio is due Monday 3/30 by midnight. Remember this is worth 15% of your grade. Submit it to Compass2g.
4. Read the rubric and assignment summary for our next unit, Annotated Bibliography.
There may be a quiz :)

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Day 23: Critical Thinking and Thesis Statements

Class Today:
Please take the following survey on the plagiarism tutorial.

Review Critical Thinking
Look at the website- The Water Project
What's the problem?
Brainstorm two solutions with the people in your row.

Thesis Statements Warm-Up (5 minutes)
Find your thesis statement from your diagnostic revision. Critique your thesis statement. What do you like about it? What could use improvement? Why? Share your response in our shared google doc.

Practice (5-10 minutes)
On a scratch (blank) piece of paper, think of a potential thesis statement for the organization and problem found in The Water Project. You have 5 minutes.

Compare (5 minutes)
Now compare your thesis statement with these sample thesis statements. What is different? What is similar?

Research Thesis Statements
As you can see, research paper thesis statements are a little different than argumentative essay thesis statements. Now you will practice writing a thesis statement on The Water Project.
In the following groups:
Group 1-Changyoon, Maggie, Kevin
Group 2-Yutong, Hao, Shiyuan
Group 3- Yichun, Ruby, Yantong

First do part 1 of the handout I will give you.  I will give you feedback on your answers. Once I give you the OK, work on part 2.  Finally, share your thesis statement in our shared google doc, here.

Next Class: Thesis Statements & Outline

1. Finish your Writer's Help exercises by March 20th. Remember, these are worth 2.5% of your grade.
2. Do steps 5 and 6 of the Pre-Research Portfolio by Sunday at midnight. Save the document as NetIDPreResearch56.doc
3. Preview the outline on the Pre-Research Portfolio template.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Day 22- Pre-Research: Critical Thinking

Today You Will Learn How to:
  • Know the difference between summarizing, analyzing, critiquing, evaluating, and synthesizing
  • Generate preliminary analysis points of an organization’s solutions from the perspective of logic, insight, evidence, and critique 

Class Today:
Finish group charts from previous lesson
The link is here.

Powerpoint here

Now that we have talked about different ways to write, we will look at how to analyze an organization.

Group Analysis
In the same groups as the warm up, use this document to fill out this chart.  Use The Water Project as your demo organization.


Next Class: Review Critical Thinking, Thesis Statement

1. The first 8 Writer's Help exercises are due by March 20th.
2. Look at my responses to step 3 and modify them. Then do step 4. Note that the template has been changed again. Name the file NetIDPreResearch4.doc and upload it to Box by Friday.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Day 21- Library Day

Class Today: Library!
We are not meeting at FLB on Monday. We will meet at the Undergraduate Library in room 291.
Please bring your mind maps.

Next Class: Critical Thinking in Pre-Research


1. The rest of your Writer's Help exercises are due by March 20th.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Day 20-Gathering Background Information

Today You Will Learn
  • How to brainstorm for background information on a topic and organization using CQ researcher and other online resources.
Class Today:

1. Grammar Workshops
If you go to one of the grammar workshops and write a short reflection paper, you will get 1% extra credit.

2. Change in assignment. The template has been revised.

3. Hannah Kim's research study

Writer's Help Presentation
Yichun will present.

Warm Up:
In groups of 4-5 people, brainstorm on the blackboard sources you might use to find information about the following topic:
Providing clean drinking water

This is a good start! In order to make sure you have a good topic and organize, we will practice finding background information on a topic.

Concept Map
Fill out this concept map for the topic, providing clean drinking water. Use this website to help you.

Let's watch this video about CQ Researcher.

Now we will practice getting background information.

Group Practice I:
Using CQ Researcher, find an article on the topic- Providing clean drinking water

Group A: Hao, Yantong, Changyoon
Group B: Yutong, Shiyuan, Ruby
Group C: Maggie, Kevin Yichun

Group Practice II:
Same groups
In your respective groups and using the article you chose, fill out this chart. This is the information you would need when brainstorming for information about your topic.

Next Class: Library Day
We will not meet in the Foreign Language Building on Monday. We will meet in the Undergraduate Library Room 291. 

1. Writer's Help Exercises are due by March 20th.
2. Read my feedback on your Pre-Research portfolio in Box. After reading, modify steps 1 and 2 and then do step 3. Upload a new document called NetIdPreResearchPortfolio3.doc onto Box. This document should have BOTH modified steps 1 and 2 and step 3. This is due Monday by midnight.
3. Do a second concept map with your research topic and bring it to the library on Monday.

4. Finish the group practice chart for our class on Wednesday.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Day 19-In Class Plagiarism Test

Class Today: Plagiarism In-Class Test

1. Grammar Workshops
If you go to one of the grammar workshops and write a short reflection paper, you will get 1% extra credit.

2. Chinese. When we were observed on Monday, my colleague noticed many students speaking in Chinese. Please speak in English.

Please go to Compass2g and find the plagiarism test. You may NOT use other sources.
After you finish the test, we will finish up the activity from last class.

Next Class: Gathering Research Information

1. Finish 8 Writer's Help exercises by March 20th.
2. Do steps 1 and 2 in the Pre-Research Portfolio template and upload them to your Box account. Save the document as NetIdResearchPortfolio12.doc. This is due by Today at midnight.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Day 18- Choosing a topic continued

Today You Will Learn:
  • How to develop an appropriate topic for your research paper.
Class Today:

Writers Help Presentations (5 minutes)
Yantong will present

Common Writing Mistakes from Final Draft
Article use
Passive voice
Run on sentences, comma splices
Unnecessary adjectives or adverbs

Chart workshop (5 minutes)
From the last lesson, open up the chart from your individual box folders. Let's finish the chart together.

Warm Up (10 minutes)
Discuss Article. The article can be found here.
In our shared google doc, write about the following questions:
1.) What are some of the organizations mentioned in the article?
2.) Broadly, what is the overall problem discussed in the article? Did this surprise you? Why or why not?

In your row, briefly discuss how a topic and organization could be related.

Choosing a Topic Powerpoint (10 minutes)
Let's look at this powerpoint together.

Group Practice (20 minutes)
In new groups, pick a topic for an organization and justify it together using this handout

Class Discussion (5 minutes)

Next Class: In-class plagiarism test


1.  Do steps 1 and 2 in the Pre-Research Portfolio template and upload them to your Box account. Save the document as NetIdResearchPortfolio12.doc. This is due by Wednesday at Midnight. 

2. Prepare for the in-class plagiarism test on Wednesday. If you do not pass this test, you may fail this class. 

3. Finish 8 Writer's Help exercises by March 20th.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Day 17-Choosing a Topic

Today You Will Learn:
  • More details of the IRP assignment.
  • What is in a good organization
  • How to find a good organization
Class Today:

Discuss Plagiarism Quiz results
If you do not pass the in-class test, you may fail this class. 

Warm-up In groups of 4-5 people, list all the organizations you are part of and then list a problem for each one.
For your research paper in this class, you will write a problem-solution paper on an organization. First, we will discuss how to choose a good organization.

Let's look at this handout that will show you how to choose a good organization.

This powerpoint will give you specific practice on how to find a good organization.

Guided Practice  
Now, practice evaluating these organizations in groups.


Next Class: Pre-research-choosing a topic

1. If you haven't done all your Writer's Help exercises, remember the first 8 are due by March 20th.

2. Prepare for the in-class plagiarism test by reviewing your answers on the practice quizzes. The in-class test will be on Wednesday, March 4th. If you do not pass this test, you may fail this class. 

3.  Fill out this Finding an Organization chart and upload to Save the file as NetIdOrgChart.doc. Please turn in the chart by Sunday at midnight. 

4. Read "America's Unfair Rules of the Road" pages 1 and 2. Be prepared to discuss the article in class on Monday. 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Day 16- Review Paraphrasing, Overview of Research Paper

Today You Will Learn How to:
  • Describe a general process of writing a research paper and analyze the order and interdependence of the steps of research process
Class Today:

Writer's Help Presentations

Review Paraphrasing (15 minutes)
Finish the paraphrase we did last class.

Discuss Research Paper (5 minutes)
In this shared google doc, free-write a definition of research paper. Free-writing means writing without stopping and without a concern for grammar.

Introduction to the rest of the semester (5 minutes)
  • Unit 2: Pre-Research Portfolio
    • Preparing and justifying your research topic.
  • Unit 3: Annotated Bibliography
    • Organizing your research resources.
  • Unit 4: RESEARCH WOOT!
    • Write your paper!!
Ordering Activity, here  (10 minutes)
With a partner, put these steps in order and then explain why each is important.

Next Class:  Choosing a topic


1. If you haven't done all your Writer's Help exercises yet, remember the first 8 are due by March 20th.

2. Do this Paraphrasing Worksheet and turn it into Box by Friday.

3. On Compass2g go to Plagiarism Prevention Tutorial> 2. Plagiarism or Not>
Do Plagiarism or Not Pre-Quiz Tutorial and Plagiarism or Not Practice Quiz 1 and 2.

4. Read the rubric for the Pre-Research Portfolio.
There WILL be a quiz. :)

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Day 15- Paraphrasing

Today You Will Learn How to
  • Understand and apply three basic rules of paraphrasing in order to avoid plagiarism.
  • Apply specific strategies to create a successful paraphrase.
Class Today:

Writer's Help presentation-Yutong
Discussion of videos:
In groups of 2 discuss the following questions about the videos you watched previously. Take a few moments to decide what you think about each question then share it with a partner.
  • What actions are considered plagiarism? Did any surprise or confuse you
  • Which do you think gets a harsher punishment – unintentional plagiarism or intentional plagiarism? 
  • What is “self-plagiarism”? Is it OK to use something you have written for another class in THIS class? How about just portions of it? 
  • What are some reasons to cite sources?
  • What are some ways you can cite sources?

Guided Practice:
In groups of three, do this paraphrasing worksheet.
Sample answers

Next Class: Review Paraphrasing, Overview of the Research Paper

1. Under the plagiarism tutorial, take the 3 quizzes for the videos you watched previously.
2. The final version of your diagnostic revision portfolio is due February 23rd by midnight.
3. The final version of your diagnostic revision essay is due February 23rd by midnight.
4. If you haven't done all your Writer's Help exercises yet, try the following ones:

Exercise: Integrating Sources in APA Papers 1
Exercise: Integrating Sources in APA Papers 2
Exercise: Integrating Sources in APA Papers 3
Exercise: Integrating Sources in APA Papers 4

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Day 14- Review Day, Avoiding Plagiarism Tutorial

Class Today:

Response to IEF

Writer's Help Presentations (10 minutes)
  • Changyoon and Maggie will present
Review Commas (15 minutes)
Plagiarism Tutorial (15 minutes)

Next Class: Paraphrasing

1. Under the Plagiarism Prevention Tutorial, watch the following videos:
Introduction to Plagiarism, Why Cite?, and What to Cite
2. The final draft of your diagnostic revision is due February 23rd by midnight.
3. The diagnostic revision portfolio is also due February 23rd by midnight.
4. Keep working on Writer's Help exercises. The first 8 are due by March 20th.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Day 13: Peer Perception and Peer-review

Today You Will Learn How:
  • Explain the difference between editing (i.e. finding mistakes and offering corrections) and peer perception 
  • Select appropriate words to avoid offense when offering opinions, suggestions, and clarifications to peers 
  • Provide feedback on their peer’s writing related to how they perceive the main ideas and structure of the paper. 
  • Negotiate meaning of peer comments and possible revisions/adjustments through discussion
Class Today:
Writer's Help Presentation- Ruby will present on the structure of essays.

Commas-Open up the shared google document and finish up the comma activity. Then let's take the comma quiz.
Powerpoint- Let's view this powerpoint together. Focus on the distinction between editing and reviewing. 

I will put you in groups to do a peer-review. Since there are 9 students in this class, one group will be 3 students. 

Next Class: Avoiding Plagiarism Part I.

1. The diagnostic revision portfolio is due February 23rd by midnight.
2. The final draft draft of your diagnostic revision is due February 23rd by midnight. Late assignments will be accepted, but I will drop 25% everyday, including weekends. A day is a day.
3. If you haven't finished, remember the first 8 (including the one we did in class) Writer's Help exercises are due March 20th.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Day 12: Advanced Punctuation- The Comma

Today You Will Learn How To:
  • Describe the most common use of commas (before coordinating conjunctions, to set off introductory clauses, to set off non-essential information clauses in the middle of a sentence, and to list items in a series) 
  • Correctly eliminate and place commas within sentences featuring the aforementioned criteria. 
  • Locate resources on the internet that will help clarify additional punctuation of semicolon, colon, and dash 
  • Self-evaluate the use of commas in their writing and propose revisions based on new knowledge from lesson
Class Today:
Review: Review conclusion paragraph
Presentation- Shiyuan
Why are these funny? What would make them more appropriate?

Group Activity:
Look at the worksheet I give you and using the information create an information sheet for your classmates.

Group 1- Commas with coordinating conjunctions
Group 2- Commas with introductory elements
Group 3- Commas with elements in series
Group 4- Commas with non restrictive clauses

When you are finished, share your part in this shared google doc.

This is not for a grade. In the same groups, work on this comma quiz. We will discuss the answers shortly.

1. Begin working on your diagnostic revision analysis portfolio. It is due by February 23rd by midnight.
2. The second draft of your diagnostic revision is due February 18th before class.  If you turn it in before 1:00 PM, I will print it out for you. We will use this draft for peer-review. Please read my feedback on your first draft before turning in the second draft. If no draft is brought to class tomorrow, your class participate grade will be deducted.

3. Keep working on Writer's Help exercises. The first 8 are due by March 20th. 
Here are some exercises to try (Be sure pop-ups are on):

1. Major uses of comma 1
2. Major uses of comma 2
3. All uses of the comma
4. The semicolon and the comma 1
5. The semicolon and the comma 2
6. The colon, the semicolon, and the comma

Next Class: Peer-Perception

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Day 11: Academic Style

Today You Will Learn How To: 
  • Explain critical differences in style between informal English and English for academic purposes 
  • Increase their level of writing formality
  • Self-evaluate presence/absence of appropriate academic tone in their writing and propose revisions based on new knowledge from lesson
Class Today:
Warm-up: First, let's watch this youtube video While watching, think about how he talks. Is it different from normal speech? How?
Next, with your row, discuss the following questions:
  • How does Data (the robot) talk? How is it different from regular speech? Can you tell he is a robot by the way he talks?
  • How is talking different than writing? 
Powerpoint Activity:
Get out of your seats and go to the back of the room. I will show you this powerpoint and we will discuss rules for academic style!

Use this handout on Academic Style to help you revise your diagnostic for the second draft.

Early Informal Feedback
Please fill out this anonymous google form to give me feedback on my teaching. I want to help you! I will leave the room while you answer the questions. Once you finish you may leave.

Class Materials:
Academic Style Handout

Next Class: Advanced Punctuation: The Comma

1. Rewrite your draft to have formal style. Use the academic style handout to help you.
2. Begin working on your Diagnostic Revision Portfolio. Remember this is due
3. Keep working on Writer's Help exercise, the first group is due March 20th.
4. The second draft of your Diagnostic Revision is February 18th by Midnight. We will do a peer-review soon.

If you haven't done Writer's Help yet, here are some exercises to try (Be sure pop-ups are on):
1. Recognizing Wordiness 1
2. Recognizing Wordiness 2
3. Revising for Conciseness 1
4. Revising for Conciseness 2

Monday, February 9, 2015

Day 10- Introductions and Conclusions

Today You Will Learn:
  • How to describe and identify the basic components of introductions (opener, background info and thesis) and conclusions (review of thesis and broader connections) 
  • How to create a logical flow of information from broad to specific in an introduction and from specific to broad in a conclusion while integrating the aforementioned components 
  • How to choose appropriate introductory and concluding techniques. 
Class Today:
  • Let's watch this video and discuss in google docs how this video could be an effective introduction.
  • Introductions powerpoint
  • Introductions Activity: Answers
    • Groups: 1- Maggie, Ruby, Shiyuan  2-Yutong, Changyoon, Yantong  3-Hao, Yichun, Kevin
  • Conclusions powerpoint
  • If time, start developing conclusion paragraph in class. 
Next Class: Review Introductions and Conclusions, Academic Style

1. Modify the introduction and conclusion in your diagnostic based on what you learned today.
Please turn in this assignment by Friday at Midnight. Name the document NetIDIntroConclusion.doc.
If your name is not in the top of the document you will not receive credit!

2. Work on Writer's Help exercises, the assignment is due by March 20th.

3. The first draft of your essay (thesis statement and body paragraphs) is due by midnight today. Late assignments will receive zero credit.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Day 9- PIE Structure

Today You Will Learn:
  • how to identify four essential parts to every body paragraph (P-I-E-C) 
  • how to examine sample paragraphs to identify any missing parts 
  • how to assess your own essays for their use of P-I-E structure and identify/revise weaknesses 

Class Today:
  • Announcement: We struggled with coherence so I will give you a nifty handout to use as a reference. Here is the online link.
  • Please put your name at the top of all documents. I will show you.
  • Warm-up: In google docs share what you do when you struggle to write enough ideas in your paragraphs. 
  • I will give you a handout. While you work on the handout, I will show you this powerpoint presentation. The answers are here
  • With the rest of class time, please modify your body paragraphs to include PIE structure. I will walk around helping you. 

Next Class: Review PIE, Introductions & Conclusions

1. Modify body paragraphs to include PIE structure. I should be able to see this in your first draft that you will turn in on the 11th.

2. Begin work on Writer's Help exercises. You need to turn in the checkpoint sheet by March 20th, but you may turn it in earlier!

3. Read the formatting guidelines on the course website here. Please integrate them into your second draft.

4. Read the rubric for the Writer's Help presentations, here.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Day 8: Coherence-Transitions and Other Cohesive Devices

Class Today:
  • Announcement: You may turn in late reflection essay. However, other mini assignments will not be accepted late. For instance, if you did not get feedback about your thesis statement rewrite, I assume you did not turn it in.
  • So there is no confusion, each assignment is due by midnight of the next class. 
  • Transitions: Function & Grammar
  • Coherence 2 Powerpoint
  • More Cohesive Devices
  • Share one of your body paragraphs in our shared google doc. Everyone should have their writing in a Box drive.
Next Class: PIE Structure

Class Materials:

1. Based on what we did in class today, finish rewriting the body paragraphs for better coherence. If you only wrote two body paragraphs, please write a total of three for this assignment. Save the document as NetIDCoherence.doc or .rtf in our shared box folder. Turn in on February 7th, Saturday by midnight

2. Begin work on Writer's Help exercises. You need to turn in the checkpoint sheet by March 20th, but you may turn it in earlier!

3. The first draft of your diagnostic revision is due Monday, February 11th by midnight. This draft only needs your thesis statement and three body paragraphs.

4. Some of you never submitted your reflection short essays. You may turn it into Compass with a reduction for being late.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Day 7- Coherence: Introduction & Transitions

Class Today:

Next Class: Continue Coherence

Class Materials:
1.  Based on what we did in class today, begin rewriting the body paragraphs for better coherence. If you only wrote two body paragraphs, please write a total of three for this assignment.
Save the document as NetIDCoherence.doc or .rtf in our shared box folder.  

2.  Begin work on Writer's Help exercises. You need to turn in the checkpoint sheet by March 20th, but you may turn it in earlier!

3.  The first draft of your diagnostic revision is due Monday, February 9th by midnight. This draft only needs your thesis statement and three body paragraphs. Please turn in the assignment to Compass 2g and save the document as 115_Diagnostic_Revision_NetID_1.doc

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Day 6: Review Thesis Statements and Strengthening Arguments

What you will learn:
  • How to generate different kinds of evidence/persuasive strategies to support an argument (e.g. statistics, anecdotes, answering the opposition, citing authorities, appealing to emotion) and analyze their varying strengths and appropriateness for academic writing 
  • How to strengthen the arguments in their writing by incorporating at least three different types of aforementioned evidence 
Class Today:
1. Introduction to Diagnostic Analysis and Portfolio
2. More on Writer's Help
3. Review Thesis Statements
  • Copy and paste your thesis statement in a word document.
  • Switch seats- is the thesis statement: specific, debatable, and a good preview?
4. Strengthening Arguments
Class Materials:
Next Class: Review Strengthening Arguments and Coherence

1. Write a reflection discussing your writing experiences. The guidelines are here. Save the file as NetIDReflection.doc and submit your response to Compass. This is due by Wednesday, February 4th by Midnight. Please keep in mind that this assignment is worth 2.5% of your grade.

2. Rewrite the thesis statement from your diagnostic. Save the rewritten thesis statement as NetIDThesisRewrite in your box folder. I will give you feedback and upload it to box by Friday.

3. Read the rubrics for our major class assignments on the far right side of the course website.

4. The first draft of your diagnostic rewrite is due February 9th. This rewrite only requires a thesis statement and a rewrite of the three body paragraphs. Please upload the assignment to compass and save it as 115_Diagnostic_Revision_NetID_1.doc. For instance, mine would be 115_Diagnostic_Revision_Kbecker4_1.

5.  Pick a Writer's Help topic to present in this spreadsheet. Choose by Wednesday.

6.  Begin work on Writer's Help exercises. You need to turn in the checkpoint sheet by March 20th, but you may turn it in earlier!

Friday, January 30, 2015

Day 5: Thesis Statements and Writer's Help

Today You Will Learn:
1. Identify the Purpose of Thesis Statements
2. Predict the content of a paper based on the thesis statement

Class Today:
1. Last class, answers.
2. Introduction to Writer's Help

  • Go to the Writer's Help website
  • Let's search for 'Thesis statements'
  • Table of Contents vs. Index
  • Do an exercise on Thesis Statements in class
    • Scorecard
3. Thesis Statements
Thesis Statements Handout 1  
Thesis Statements Handout 2

Next Class: Review Thesis Statements, Strengthening Arguments

1. Make sure you have created a Box folder called ESL115C1netId and shared it with me!
2. Pick a Writer's Help topic to present in this spreadsheet. Choose by Monday.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Day 4- Audience & Purpose

Today you will learn:

  • The difference and relationship between audience and purpose
  • Identify explicit and implicit audience and purpose markers in written discourse (e.g. content, vocabulary, and structure) and how these collectively impact tone. 

  • Class Today:
    1. Course Policy Quiz! I will give you a paper handout. 
    2. In this google doc, briefly write what you think the audience and purpose was in the article given on Monday. How and why do you know? (3 minutes) 
    3. You will get a situation card. It will have a purpose and an audience. With a partner, think of a way (written or spoken) to persuade your audience. (15 minutes)
    4. In same groups, discuss possible answers for the Audiences & Purposes Chart. (15 minutes)
    5. Now, read the passages and do the Audiences & Purposes Analysis (15 minutes)


    Next Class: Writer's Help and Thesis Statements


    For Friday-
    1. Read these academic paragraphs and be prepared to discuss the questions at the end.

    If you haven't already...
    1.Please purchase Writer's Help. We will use the online book in our next class. Instructions on how to purchase the book are here.

    2. Please fill out the Contact Information Form

    3. Create a folder in Box called ESL115NetID.

    Sunday, January 25, 2015

    Day 3- Cross Cultural Communication

    Today You Will Learn:
    -How culture and writing style can be influenced by language

    Class Today:
    -Quiz on syllabus and course policies (5 minutes) If you added the course late, you will not take the quiz, but you MUST pick a time to take the make up diagnostic, here.
    -Announcements: Diagnostic Analysis Portfolio, Diagnostic Revision assignments, Box (5 minutes)
    -Warm-Up Discussion (on powerpoint) (15 minutes)
    -Powerpoint: Communication and Writing Styles Around the World (10 minutes)
    -Next, I will give you a card. With a different partner, read the card. Then compare the writer's culture with your own. (15 minutes)

    Next Class: Audience & Purpose, Reflection, Writer's Help

    1. Write a reflection discussing your writing experiences. The guidelines are here. Save the file as and submit your response to Compass. This is due by Monday, February 2nd by Midnight.

    2. Purchase Writer's Help, Instructions on how to purchase the textbook are here. The textbook is completely online and can be purchased either at the bookstore or via the internet.

    3. Create a folder in Box entitled ESL115NetID and share it with me.

    4. Read Alibaba's Founder by Issie Lapowsky and be prepared to answer the discussion questions.

    5. Read How to Write an Academic E-mail. Be sure to send me an e-mail as stated in the document. This is also part of your participation grade.

    Thursday, January 22, 2015

    Day 2- In Class Diagnostic

    Class Today:
    In-Class Diagnostic
    Today is the In Class diagnostic.
    No: Phone, internet, or talking.  Please only use a blank word document. Save the file as
    NetIdInClassDiagnostic.doc and upload to our compass website in the folder titled Unit 1: Diagnostic Analysis> In-Class Diagnostic

    Next Class: The communication model and cross-cultural communication

    Course Materials:
    1.  Copy of Lost in Translation

    Please do by class on Monday-

    1. Read Lost in Translation by Boroditsky. I will give you a copy in class. Be prepared to discuss the article.
    2. Study the course handout and class introduction prezi we did in class on Wednesday. There will be a quiz on Monday. This quiz is part of your participation grade.
    3. Read How to Write an Academic E-mail. Be sure to send me an e-mail as stated in the document. This is also part of your participation grade.

    If you added this class late please do the following:
    1.) Purchase Writer's Help. Remember, Writer's Help exercises are worth 5% of your overall grade.
    2.) Fill out the Contact Information Form.